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———以 S 省 G 市地区法院为考察对象
万 毅 李 勤 杨春洪 张艳秋
【摘 要】 “两个证据规定”出台实施后,其呈现出的实践面相到底若何,究竟是满足了制度预期还是“经历坎坷”,这都需要走进司法实践,以旁观者的视角对其进行考察、审视后才能加以回答。基于此,课题组于2011年11月选取了S省G市为调研蓝本,重点关注并调研了以下几个方面:(1)非法证据的认定、排除程 序;(2)瑕疵证据的补正与合理解释;(3)特殊侦查措施的适用、质证;(4)证人出庭作证;(5)翻供、翻证的处理;(6)证据裁判原则的运用。 在对上述六个专题的实践样态以及存在问题进行客观描述后,课题组对其加以评析,并在此基础上提出了对策建议,以期对立法、司法部门、理论界作出有益的贡献。
【关键词】 非法证据;瑕疵证据;特殊侦查措施;证人出庭;翻供翻证;证据裁判原则
【中图分类号】 D918.9
【文献标识码】 A
【文章编号】 1674-1226(2012)04-0421-17
The Empirical Research on the Implementation of the Two Evidence Rules———with G City Courts in S Province as an Object. Wan Yi, Li Qin, Yang Chunhong and Zhang Yanqiu. Sichuan University Law School,Chengdu 610064;Intermediate People′s Court in Guang Yuan 628000.
【Abstract】 The question of whether the the implementation of the two Evidence Rules fits in the original expectations or the implementation has been being arduous need to be answered based upon the observations of the judicial practices. In order to reply this question, the research team selected G City of S Province as the research object and made explorations focusing on the following areas: the procedures of identification and exclusion of illegally obtained evidences, the correction and reasonable explanation of defective evidences, the employment and cross-examination of special investigation measures, witness in court, dealing with the overthrow of confessions and testimonies and the implementation of the Evidence Trial Principle. After describing the above six areas, the research team analyzed the results found and also provided many suggestions based on the analysis, aiming to make some contributions to the legislation, judiciary and academics.
【Key Words】 Illegally obtained evidence, Defective evidence, Special investigation measures, Witness in court, Overthrow of confessions and testimonies, the Evidence Trial Principle