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王新清 姬艳涛
【摘 要】 随着技术侦查手段的广泛应用,技侦证据在司法实践中的具体使用问题受到了法学理论界和实务界越来越大的关注。为解决实践中的各种问题以及规范技侦证据在诉讼中的具体应用,2012 年新《刑事诉讼法》明确规定了技侦证据的法律效力以及技侦证据使用的具体规则和法律程序。本文就该规定的相关修改背景、具体内涵进行了评析和论述,并就其未来具体实施可能出现的问题提出了相关的意见和建议。
【关键词】 技术侦查;技侦证据;证据采信;刑事诉讼法修正案
【中图分类号】 D918.9
【文献标识码】 A
【文章编号】 1674-1226(2012)04-0408-06
Study on the Use of Evidence of Technological Investigation. Wang Xinqing, Ji Yantao. China Youth University for Political Sciences.
【Abstract】 With the wide application of technological investigation measures, the use of evidence of technological investigation in judicial practice has attracted great concerns among theorists and practitioners . In order to solve the problems raised in the practice and standardize the application of evidence of technological investigation, the new Criminal Procedure Law clearly sets the legal force, the specific rules and legal procedure of the use of technological evidence. This article gives a detailed analysis on the modification background and specific connotation of the new regulation and also provides some valuable comments on and proposals for the application of evidence of technological investigation in the future.
【Key Words】 Technological investigation, Evidence of technological investigation, Admission of evidence,Amendment to Criminal Procedure Law