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【摘 要】 民事诉讼中的当事人因系平等的私权主体,在调查收集证据上往往不可能动用强有力的公共资源。除了在证明标准上有较低度的要求以外,为了缓和举证上的压力,有关法律仅在有限范围内采用否定性的表达方式,以尽可能在更为广阔领域范围内承认证据在法律上的合法性,以便尽可能限缩证据排除规则的适用范围。在民事诉讼证据的合法性及其排除规则的应用上,许多理论学说均从如何处理程序法与实体法之间关系的角度来展开,重要的是,应当在举证人的合法权益与受侵害人的合法权益之间进行利益衡量,以寻求在发现案件事实真相与采用正当程序之间取得一种平衡。
【关键词】 民事诉讼;非法证据排除;理论学说;认定标准
【中图分类号】 D915.13
【文献标识码】 A
【文章编号】 1674-1226(2012)04-0389-20
The Exclusion of Illegally Obtained Evidence in Civil Actions : Theories and Identification Standards.Bi Yuqian, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing 100088.
【Abstract】 The parties in civil lawsuits usually cannot use strong public resources in the investigation and collection of evidences because they are equal subjects of the private rights.. In addition to the lower requirement for standard of proof , the relevant laws also adopt the way of negative expression only within the limited range in order to alleviate the pressure on the burden of proof, to trying admitting evidence and limiting the use of exclusionary rule as much as possible. Many theories study the legitimacy of civil procedure evidence and the application of exclusionary rule starting from how to deal with the relationship between procedural law and substantive law. It is important, to balance the legal rights and interests of the person adducing evidence against that of the victim, , and find a balance point between fact-finding and due process.
【Key Words】 Civil litigation, Exclusion of illegally obtained evidence, Theories, Identification standard