第1期 | 第2期 | 第3期 | 第4期 | 第5期 | 第6期 |
【摘 要】 司法鉴定争议是指对司法鉴定意见存在争议引起的纠纷。本文侧重从司法鉴定意见的科学性、客观性、相关性、合法性四个评价维度切入,提出重新司法鉴定、司法鉴定人出庭作证、司法鉴定专家评价三种评价方式。结合浙江省司法鉴定管理实践,介绍了通过建立司法鉴定投诉处理工作、司法鉴定机构受理司法鉴定委托、重大鉴定事项报告、司法鉴定专家咨询、推进司法鉴定人出庭作证的四项机制,来解决或减少当事人对司法鉴定意见的异议。
【关键词】 司法鉴定意见争议;成因;评价方式;解决争议措施
【中图分类号】 D915.13
【文献标识码】 A
【文章编号】 1674-1226(2012)05-0578-07
A Study on the Evaluation of Disputes of Forensic Appraisal — from the perspective of Zhejiang Province Model of Management of Forensic Appraisal. Pan Guangjun. Director, Office of Forensic Appraisal Management,Zhejiang Province.
【Abstract】 The controversy of forensic appraisal refers to the disputes caused by the controversial forensic appraisal opinions. In terms of the scientificality, objectivity, relevance, legitimacy of the appraisal opinion, this paper puts forward three evaluation methods: the reappraisal, the appraiser appearing in court as a witness, the expert’s opinion of forensic appraisal. Studying the practice of the forensic appraisal management in Zhejiang Province, we introduce the four mechanisms to reduce or solve the controversy of forensic appraisal. They are to deal with the complaints of forensic appraisal, to commission the forensic institution to do identification and provide with a report of a big issue, to consult an expert of forensic appraisal and to testify in court by a forensic appraiser.
【Key Words】 Controversy of forensic appraisal, Reasons, Evaluation method, tDispute resolution measure