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杨天潼 王 旭
【摘 要】 有关“功能、残疾和健康”评定的概念及应用是法医临床学实践的核心内容。 无论从法医临床学鉴定的目的、程序,还是鉴定结论的客观性、公正性角度出发,规范“功能、残疾和健康”的概念及它们之间的联系,对完善法医临床鉴定和全面理解法医临床学多学科属性均具有重要意义,对上述概念的准确理解和客观应用无疑将有助于完善法医临床学实践,并提高法医临床学的鉴定质量。本文将参照国际卫生组织的相关标准,探讨“残疾、健康和功能评定”的概念,所涉及的专业术语和它们之间的联系,并对这些概念的历史发展进程与当代研究现状进行回顾和比较研究。本文将综述有关“功能、残疾和健康”概念的定义解读,依照国际卫生组织相关标准对“功能、残疾和健康”进行解释说明,分析它们内在的理论框架结构,并对《国际功能、残疾和健康分类》在法医临床学鉴定中的应用进行初步展望。
【关键词】 法医临床学;残疾;健康;功能;司法鉴定
【中图分类号】 D918.9
【文献标识码】 A
【文章编号】 1674-1226(2012)05-0565-13
Review of “the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health” and Application of Clinical Forensic Medicine. Yang Tiantong,Wang Xu.Lecturer of the Key Laboratory for Evidence Science,CUPL 100088.
【Abstract】 We believe that an understanding of key concepts in disability, health, and functioning will encourage an appreciation of the assessment procedures used in clinic forensic medicine. Common concepts and language among a multidisciplinary forensic medicine alike facilitate the shared understanding of the assessment goals, procedures and outcomes. This article reviews the historical and contemporary concepts, terms and scholarship associated with disability, health and functioning in clinic forensic medicine. We outline historical conceptions of health, functioning and disability, and explain how disability, health and functioning are conceptualized from the perspective of WHO’s. We also apply the conceptual framework of the ICF to the classification of functioning, health and disability, and evaluate the potential of multidisciplinary applications of the ICF to classification of health and functioning.
【Key Words】 Clinical forensic medicine, Disability, Health, Function, Judicial authentication