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程 雷
【摘 要】 技术侦查手段在我国侦查实践中正在不断扩大适用,作为一项打击犯罪的尖锐武器,其所获得的信息与材料却基本上不允许用作证据使用,这一做法既不利于打击犯罪与不利于保障人权。2012年修订的《刑事诉讼法》部分地解决了这一问题。本文在分析成因与实践作法的基础上,对修正案的规定进行了评析与展望。
【关键词】 技术侦查;证据转化;秘密侦查;证据资格
【中图分类号】 D918.9
【文献标识码】 A
【文章编号】 1674-1226(2012)05-0557-08
On the Use of Evidence Obtained by Technical Investigation. Cheng Lei, Associate Professor, Law School,Renmin University of China
【Abstract】 Technical investigation, as a sharp anti-crime weapon, has been applied in more and more cases in China, however, the information and materials obtained by technical investigation cannot be admitted as evidences. This policy does good neither to crack down on crime nor to protect human rights. The upcoming new Criminal Procedure Law touched on this issue and has solved some problems. This article analyzes the regulations in the new law and discusses about its implementation in the future.
【Key Words】 Technical investigation, Conversion of evidence, Covert investigation, Competency of evidence