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【摘 要】 证据法之谜是英美证据法学界理论发展的重要源动力,也是理解英美证据法制度演进的一条重要线索。对证据法之谜的解释在程序性层面主要有陪审团控制模式和对抗制控制模式两种命题。通过对两个解释性命题的梳理与解析,可以展现出英美证据法的多元程序性要素及其内在运作的机理,从而为我国的证据立法与证据法学研究提供重要的启示。
【关键词】 证据法之谜;陪审团;对抗制;程序
【中图分类号】 D918.9
【文献标识码】 A
【文章编号】 1674-1226(2012)05-0534-11
Discussion on Procedure Aspect of Anglo-American Evidence Law—Focusing on Jury and Adversary system.Wu Hongqi, Lecturer, Law School of Xiamen University.
【Abstract】 The Evidence Puzzle is not only the motivation of the theory development of Anglo-American evidence law, but also one key thread to understand the evolution of the evidence law. From the aspect of procedure, the jury-control model and advocate-control model are two answers to the Puzzle. The pectination and analysis of these two models can help to uncover the multifarious procedural factors of Anglo-American evidence law and their mechanism to run. That will make the foundation for the legislation and academic research of evidence law in China.
【Key Words】 Evidence Puzzle, Jury, Adversary System, Procedure