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【摘 要】 意见证据规则是证据规则的重要组成部分。尽管意见证据规则在我国的立法层面已初步确立,但相关的理论研究仍然十分薄弱。鉴于意见证据规则在美国适用最为广泛,发展最为成熟,本文力图以美国为例,全面介绍意见证据规则的基本内容,分析其价值内涵、法理基础,阐释其适用的难点,探讨专家意见可靠性的属性定位,研究意见证据规则下终极问题原则基本被废弃的根本原因及专家意见受到的限制,进而就意见证据规则在我国的适用提出管见。
【关键词】 意见证据规则;普通证人意见;专家证人意见;鉴定意见
【中图分类号】 D918.9
【文献标识码】 A
【文章编号】 1674-1226(2012)05-0517-17
On Opinion Evidence Rule—from US perspective. Li Xuejun. Renmin University of China law School, 100872.
【Abstract】 The opinion evidence rule is an important part of evidence rules. Although the opinion evidence rule has been set up legally in China, the relative studies are very rare. This is not good for the opinion rule to play its proper role in China. Because the opinion evidence rule has been applied and developed broadly in America, taking US as an example, this paper introduces the basic contents of the opinion evidence rule, analyses its value and legal principle, expounds the difficulties of applying the opinion evidence rule, probes the attribute of expert opinion’s reliability under the opinion evidence rule, discusses the reasons why the Ultimate Issue Rule has been largely discarded and the restriction on expert opinion by the opinion evidence rule. Finally, the author provides the proposals on how to apply the opinion rule in China.
【Key Words】 Opinion evidence rule,Lay opinion,Expert opinion,Authentication conclusion