辩证据真伪 铸法治基石


2012年第20卷第6期 双月刊


2012年第20卷第6期 双月刊
第1期 第2期 第3期 第4期 第5期 第6期



【摘 要】 英国的专家证人制度改革取得了重大成就,其中不乏能够反映两大法系相互借鉴、融合并形成优势的新内容。本文通过梳理英国专家证人制度的沿革和现状,结合我国的立法视角加以观察,提出可在司法鉴定机构职能、司法鉴定资源配置、司法鉴定程序启动和司法鉴定人出庭作证等方面,建设性地借鉴吸收英国专家证人制度的合理之处,以不断完善我国的鉴定人制度。

【关键词】 司法鉴定人制度;专家证人制度;中英鉴定人制度比较

【中图分类号】 D918.9

【文献标识码】 A

【文章编号】 1674-1226(2012)06-0703-18

Perfecting Chinese Forensic Expert System by Studying British Expert Witness System. Du Chunpeng,Lecturer of School of Criminal Law and Justice of China University of Political Science and Law,Beijing 102249;Li Yao,School of Criminal Law and Justice of China University of Political Science and Law,Beijing 102249.

Abstract】 In recent decades,the reform of the expert witness system of the UK has made a series of outstanding achievements,many of which reflect the combination of the two legal systems. This paper studied both the history and the status quo of the British expert witness system, observed it from the perspective of Chinese legislation, and finally propose to improve Chinese forensic expert system by constructively borrowing the reasonable parts of British expert system in such aspects as the functions of forensic science institutions,the resource allocation of forensic science,the litigation procedure of forensic science and the forensic expert’s appearance in court.

Key Words】 Forensic expert system,Expert witness system,Comparison of forensic


  1. 英国专家证人制度对完善我国司法鉴定人制度之借鉴_杜春鹏.pdf (已下载次)