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郑 曦 刘 玫
【摘 要】 我国刑诉法修改后,技术侦查措施和非法证据排除规则均引起广泛的关注。监听是技术侦查的基本措施之一,在如何协调监听与排除规则的问题上,美国有着丰富的经验,也许可作为他山之石。在将排除规则运用于监听证据中的发展历程中,美国联邦最高法院扮演了重要的角色,尤其是卡茨案判决具有里程碑的意义,由此确立了合理隐私期待的主客观双重判断标准。2012 年最新的Jones 案基本指明了排除规则在监听证据中运用的未来方向,对监听证据谨慎适用排除规则将继续成为大法官们的基本态度。
【关键词】 排除规则;监听;卡茨案;双重判断标准
【中图分类号】 D918.9
【文献标识码】 A
【文章编号】 1674-1226(2012)06-0695-08
Applying Exclusionary Rule to Surveillance Evidence: An Analysis of US Practice. Zheng Xi,Liu Mei.China University of Political Science and Law,Beijing 100088.
【Abstract】 After the revision of Criminal Procedure Law, the technical investigation and exclusionary rule both have caused a great concern in China. Surveillance is one of the most important techniques of technical investigation. The United States has extensive experiences in coordinating the surveillance and the exclusionary rule,which would benefit China in this area.. During the long journey of applying exclusionary rule to surveillance evidence, the US Supreme Court has played a leading role. Especially, the decision of Katz v. United States is a milestone, from which the two-prong test for determining the existence of reasonable expectation of privacy has been established. In 2012, the Supreme Court decided the case of United States v. Jones which indicated the future of applying exclusionary rule to surveillance evidence. It seemed that prudently using exclusionary rule would still be the basic attitude of the Justices in the Supreme Court of the United States.
【Key Words】 Exclusionary rule, Surveillance, Katz v. United States, Two-prong test