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杜 磊
【摘 要】 《刑事诉讼法》(2012 年)在第 52 条第 2 款规定了行政证据和刑事证据衔接适用规范。该规范 与以往的证据转化规则不同,是赋予行政证据以刑事证据能力的规范。对于“等证据材料”的理解,应当进行严格解释,将勘验、检查笔录以及部分现场笔录涵盖进来,而现行司法解释及有关规定将其范围扩大到鉴定意见、检验报告的做法是值得商榷的。在具体的适用过程中,审判机关是实质意义上的衔接适用主体,行政证据无需转化就可以直接适用,对行政证据自身合法性的审查应当依据行政法律、法规进行,而刑事证据规则也有其适用的空间。
【关键词】 行政证据;刑事证据;证据材料;证据能力;证据衔接
【中图分类号】 D918.9
【文献标识码】 A
【文章编号】 1674-1226(2012)06-0657-08
On the Convergence Norms between Administrative Evidence and Criminal Evidence — on the Basis of Article52(2)in the 2012 Criminal Procedure Law. Du Lei,Ph.D candidate, School of Law, Renmin University of China, 100872.
【Abstract】 The Criminal Procedure Law (2012) sets up a new regulation to link up administrative evidence and criminal evidence. However, this convergence norm, different from the previous evidence conversion rule, provides the administrative evidence with the evidence competency like criminal evidence. We should take strict interpretations of “other evidentiary materials” including the writing records of inquisition and inspection and some part of on-the spot writing records. Wether or not expert opinion or inspection report can be included is questionable. In the judicial practice, the court is substantively the application subject.Administrative evidence can be directly used without conversion. The legitimacy review of administrative evidence should be based on the administrative laws and regulations, and criminal evidence rules are also available to be used.
【Key Words】 Administrative evidence,Criminal evidence,Evidential materials,Competency of evidence,Convergence of evidence