辩证据真伪 铸法治基石


2015年第23卷第1期 双月刊


2015年第23卷第1期 双月刊
第1期 第2期 第3期 第4期 第5期 第6期




(中国政法大学证据科学研究院,北京 100088)

【摘 要】法律职业人员的职业化是培养高素质法律职业群体的重要途径,也是衡量一个国家司法文明程度的重要内容。在法律职业人员职业化进程中,职业准入门槛的建立、职业培训的规范化和职业保障措施的完善是最为核心的三个内容。通过对全国九个地区的实证调查,我们发现在法律职业人员的职业化进程中存在不均衡格局。职业保障措施尤其在职业待遇、职业压力、职业前景、职业队伍稳定方面都存在较为严重的问题。法官、检察官、警察三个职业在职业化程度上存在显著的差别,不同地区在职业化进程上也存在很大的差异。这种不均衡的职业化格局对于司法改革的设计和实施上都提出了差别化要求。





Professionalization of the legal profession and its realization level——Based on Surveys over Nine Provinces in China. Wu Hongqi. 1.Collaborative Innovation Center of Judicial Civilization; 2.Key Laboratory for Evidence Science (China University of Political Science and Law), Ministry of Education, Beijing, 100088

Abstract】Professionalization of the legal profession is not only an important path for cultivating a highly qualified group of legal practitioners, but also a key element in assessing one country’s level of judicial civilization. In the process of professionalization, the most important three aspects are the establishment of profession admission threshold, standardization in professional trainings and completeness in profession security measures. Based on empirical studies over nine regions in China, there is an unbalanced pattern in the professionalization process of the legal profession. The security measures of legal profession, especially with respect to salary, career pressure, career development and the stability of working force, is being at stake. The process of professionalization has significant difference in judges, procurators and police, as well as over different regions in the country. Such unbalanced pattern requires differentiate arrangements in design and implementation of judicial reform.

Key Words】Professionalization, Judicial civilization, Admission threshold, Profession security, Profession trainings


  1. 法律人的职业化及其实现状况.pdf (已下载次)