第1期 | 第2期 | 第3期 | 第4期 | 第5期 | 第6期 |
张 中
(中国政法大学证据科学研究院,北京 100088)
【摘 要】刑事司法程序是本次中国司法文明指数体系的一个的重要一级指标,我们选取了6项二级指标进行了评估,通过问卷调查和数据分析,可以得出以下结论 :刑事司法程序没有全面贯彻无罪推定原则,侦查行为的合法性和有效性亟待提升,审查起诉活动需要严格规范,刑事审判的公正性缺乏保障,刑事执行存在违规保外就医、不当减刑等问题,刑事司法缺少有效的诉讼救济途径。
The practical dilemma of criminal procedure in China. Zhang Zhong. 1. Collaborative Innovation Center of Judicial Civilization; 2. Key Laboratory for Evidence Science (China University of Political Science and Law),Ministry of Education, Beijing, 100088
【Abstract】The criminal procedure is an important first-level indicator of Chinese justice index. We chose six second-level indicators for evaluation. Through questionnaire inquiry and data analysis, we have drawn the following conclusions: the Chinese criminal procedure has not yet fully implemented the principle of presumption of innocence; the legitimacy and effectiveness of the police investigation need to be improved; prosecution activities need to be regulated strictly; protecting measures for the impartiality in criminal trials are not in place;enforcement of criminal judgments has problems of illegal medical parole, improper commutation and so on; and there is no efficient path for legal remedy in the criminal procedure.
【Key Words】Presumption of innocence, Investigation, Prosecution, Trial, Enforcement