辩证据真伪 铸法治基石


2015年第23卷第1期 双月刊


2015年第23卷第1期 双月刊
第1期 第2期 第3期 第4期 第5期 第6期



(中国政法大学证据科学研究院,北京 100088)

【摘 要】“司法文明指数”是法治评估的一种创新性量化工具。司法文明指标体系,由4个领域、10个维度(一级指标)、50个命题(二级指标)、97个问卷题目构成,在5套问卷中形成了190个变量。该指数通过对全国各省、自治区、直辖市司法实践的实际测量,可以体现人民群众对司法工作的满意程度,反映各地司法文明建设的全景或全貌、强项和弱项,描述随时间变化的司法文明进步轨迹,为其加强司法文明建设提供一面“镜子”。该指数将对法治中国建设发挥积极促进作用,并为学者、学生和各界人士深入研究全国各地司法文明的状况提供比较全面的基础性数据和资料。

【关键词】司法文明指数 ;主要功能 ;指标体系 ;评估方法 ;评估结果




China justice index is a tool designed for assessing rule of law. Zhang Baosheng. 1.Collaborative Innovation Center of Judicial Civilization; 2.Key Laboratory for Evidence Science (China University of Political Science and Law), Ministry of Education, Beijing, 100088

Abstract】“China Justice Index” is an innovative, quantitative tool designed for assessing rule of law.The Indicator System of China Justice Index encompasses four areas, ten dimensions, fifty themes (second-level indicators), ninety-seven questionnaire issues and one hundred and ninety variables. By on-site examinations over judicial practice in various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities all over the country, the China Justice Index can show the satisfactory degree of the people to the judicial work, to reflect a full picture of construction of judicial civilization in different regions (including strengetheness and weakness), to describe progresses made over time in the judicial civilization process, and to provide a “mirror” for strengthening the judicial civilization construction. The Index will play an active role in promoting China’s rule of law, and provide vital, thorough and foundational data for scholars, students and professionals from all majors in studying the conditions of judicial civilization all over the country.

Key Words】 China justice index, Key function, Indicator system, Assessment method, Assessment conclusion


  1. 司法文明指数是一种法治评估工具.pdf (已下载次)