第1期 | 第2期 | 第3期 | 第4期 | 第5期 | 第6期 |
王 萍
(哈尔滨医科大学人文社会科学学院,哈尔滨 150081)
【摘 要】鉴定意见作为专门性问题的鉴定结果,是诉讼案件得以正确处理的重要依据,其对诉讼结果的影响不言自明。鉴定意见不仅关乎证据制度,也涉及司法体系和诉讼程序。医疗领域的诉讼因裁判者囿于知识的局限,鉴定意见的作用更为突出。长期以来,鉴定问题已严重影响到司法裁判的效率与公正。本文通过梳理鉴定意见在医疗损害诉讼各环节中存在的问题,剖析鉴定方式、鉴定主体、文书内容以及审查采信方面等问题的成因,提出确立以自然人为中心的“鉴定人——专家辅助人”的“双翼”医疗损害鉴定人制度,规范鉴定意见内容和表述方式,完善质证程序等措施。
Issues in medical damage expert opinion and corresponding solutions. Wang Ping. Humanities and Social Science Institute, Harbin Medical University, Harbin, Heilongjiang Province 150081
【Abstract】As the result of identification for technical problems, expert opinion is an important basis in resolving lawsuits and has significant impact over litigation outcomes. Expert opinion rule not only is a part of evidence system, but also relates to litigation proceeding and the judicial system. It is even more important in medical dispute lawsuits due to adjudicators’ lack of specialized knowledge in medicine. For a long period of time, problems within forensic examinations had seriously negative impact on efficiency and fairness of judicial judgment. This paper lists issues of expert opinion in every step of a medical damage lawsuit, analyzes causation of problems within appraisal mode, subject, content and admissibility examination, as well as presents corresponding proposals of “appraiser-expert assistant”, medical damage appraiser system, standardizing content and expression approach of expert opinion and improving the examination of evidence procedure.
【Key Words】Medical damage, Expert opinion, Examination, Examination of evidence