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占善刚 施瑶
(武汉大学法学院,湖北武汉 430072)
【摘 要】我国现行《民事诉讼法》及司法解释中关于证人出作证庭费用之规范存在补偿范围不具体和补偿标准不明晰等诸多问题,关于鉴定人出庭费用的补偿范围和标准之规定更是付之阙如。民事司法实践中各地方法院关于证人、鉴定人出庭费用的补偿范围和标准的认定混乱且随意性大,严重损害了当事人的合法权益。《民诉法解释》规定“按照机关事业单位工作人员差旅费和补贴为标准”计算证人出庭作证费用更是有违平等原则。我国民诉立法应在厘清证人、鉴定人出庭作证费用性质的基础上,采用列举规范的方式明确规定证人、鉴定人出庭费用的补偿范围,统一并明晰证人、鉴定人的补偿标准。
Studies on the compensation range and standard of the cost for witnesses and appraisers to testify in civil action.Zhan Shangang; Shi Yao. Law school, Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei 430072
【Abstract】There are some problems about the stipulation of the payment for witnesses to testify in court in the current PRC Civil Procedure Law and its judicial interpretation in China, such as the ambiguity of the compensation range and the vague compensation standard, not to mention the range and standard of compensation for appraisers. In the practice of civil procedure, there are great confusion and randomness lying in the application of the range and standard of compensation made by local courts for witnesses and appraisers to testify in court, which seriously damages the rights and interests of the parties. The Interpretation to PRC Civil Procedure Law provides that the expenses for witnesses to testify in court should be calculated “in accordance with the standard of staff travel expenses and subsidies in government organs and institutions” is a violation to the principle of equality. After clarifying the nature of the expenses for witnesses and appraisers to testify in court, future legislation in civil procedure shall stipulate clearly the range of compensation for witnesses and appraisers, and clarify and unify the compensation standard.
【Key Words】 Witnesses, Appraisers, Cost for testifying in court, Compensation range, Compensation standard