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(对外经济贸易大学法学院,北京 100029)
【摘 要】举证责任分配契约是民事证据契约的重要类型。对举证责任分配契约的实证讨论是对此类证据契约更直观的展现。诉中举证责任分配契约、否定性举证责任分配契约是值得关注的举证责任分配契约新类型。举证责任分配契约是当事人行使处分权的正当形式,并未违背自由心证原则,可以解决举证责任分配法规存在的漏洞,弥补规范说及法官自由裁量分配举证责任的不足。该制度的运行需要结合实践根据不同类型构建不同的适用规则。
Research on the contractual distribution of proof burden in civil procedures in China. Zhao Xiaojun. Law School University of International Business and Economics, Beijing 100029
【Abstract】The contractual distribution of proof burden is a vital type of civil evidential contracts. Empirical study on contractual distribution of proof burden can help to reveal the details of such type of evidential contract.Contractual distribution of proof burden during litigation proceedings and negative contractual distribution of proof burden are noteworthy new types of evidential contract. Contractual distribution of proof burden, while not violating the principle of discretional evaluation of evidence, is a legitimate contractual form according to which parties would exercise the right of disposition. Contractual distribution of proof burden can make up for the loopholes of laws related to the distribution of proof burden. It can also be used to fill the gap existing in the theory of norm and laws regulating the judge discretionary power in allocating proof burden. It is needed to establish different types of rules to guide different types of practice.
【Key Words】 Civil trials, Contractual distribution of proof burden, Evidential contract