辩证据真伪 铸法治基石


2016年第24卷第6期 双月刊


2016年第24卷第6期 双月刊
第1期 第2期 第3期 第4期 第5期 第6期



(西南政法大学法学院,重庆 401120)

【摘 要】在对不完全给付各要件证明责任的讨论中,最具争议的是可归责性要件的证明责任分配。德国和日本学界主张可归责性事由为债务人的免责事由,应当由债务人负责举证。而我国台湾地区学者认为根据证明责任的一般分配原则,该要件的证明责任应当由债权人承担,但在具体案件中出现证明责任倒置的情况时则由债务人承担。目前我国法律条文尚未对不完全给付的证明责任进行明文规定,所以应当依证明责任的一般分配原则由债权人进行举证。继而为了减轻弱势方的证明负担,法官应当运用经验法则、表见证明等原理;证明妨碍规则和案件事实解明义务也可以帮助法官认定事实。





Research on the burden of proof about the inadequate payment. Bao Bingfeng. Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Chongqing, China, 401120.

Abstract】 In the discussion of the burden of proof about elements of the inadequate payment, the most controversial problem is the distribution of the burden of proof about the attributable elements. German and Japanese scholars advocate the debtor shall bear the burden of proof of the attributable elements, because it is debtor’s accusation.However, scholars in Taiwan think that according to the general principles of distribution of burden of proof, the burden of proof shall be borne by the debtee, but the debtor will bear it if there is an inversion of burden of proof in specific cases. The current-existing law in China makes no provision for this issue, so the debtee should bear the burden of proof in accordance with the general principles. To relieve the burden of proof of the vulnerable side in lawsuits, experience rule and prima facie beweis should be applied, while the rule of the spoliation of evidence and the disclosure obligation of case facts also can help the judges to find the truth.

Key Words】 Inadequate payment, The burden of proof, Attributable elements


  1. 不完全给付之证明责任探究.pdf (已下载次)