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罗 翔
(中国政法大学刑事司法学院,北京 100088)
【摘 要】犯罪构成理论与证明责任理论可以互补。三阶层递进式犯罪构成理论可以作为证明责任分 配的合理标准。构成要件该当性具有违法性和有责性的推定机能。控诉方应承担构成要件该当性的提出 责任和超出合理怀疑的说服责任,被告方承担构成要件阻却和违法阻却事由的提出责任,且要让人产生 合理怀疑。被告方负有提出责任阻却事由的责任及优势证据的说服责任。通过证明责任理论,可以说明 主观构成要素的合理性,理清推定故意和过失的本质。同时,本文也对事实错误与禁止错误、修正构成 要件与特殊构成要件的证明责任进行了讨论。
Crime constitution and burden of proof. Luo Xiang. Criminal Justice College of China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing 100088
【Abstract】The theory of burden of proof in common law system and the theory of crime constitution in civil law system can be complementary. The theory of crime constitution in civil law system can be a reasonable guidance in allocating the proof burden. The act accorded with crime constitution requirements can be referred to be illegal and blamed. The prosecution should bear the burden of production in accordance with the crime constitution and the burden of persuasion to the standard of beyond a reasonable doubt. The defendant should bear the burden of producing evidence that negates the crime constituents or proves justification and make people raise a reasonable doubt. And the defendant bears the burden of producing evidence that negates his blameworthiness and the burden of persuasion to the standard of preponderance. According to the burden of proof theory, the rationality of the subjective constituent can be easily interpreted and the presumption of intent and negligence can be clarified. Meanwhile, the burden of proof for mistake of fact and mistake of law, inchoate crime constituents and special constituents are discussed.
【Key Words】 Crime constitution, Burden of proof, Subjective constituent, Presumption of intent,Negligence