辩证据真伪 铸法治基石


2016年第24卷第4期 双月刊


2016年第24卷第4期 双月刊
第1期 第2期 第3期 第4期 第5期 第6期



(中国政法大学法学院,北京 100088)

【摘 要】交叉询问源自英美法系,是在审判或听证的质证程序中由一方当事人或者律师对反方证人进行的询问。中国诉讼法对交叉询问已有实质规定,在司法实践中也有实际运用。交叉询问的质证功能是由它的内在属性和提问方式决定的,其目的主要在于降低或摧毁反方证人的可信度,降低或瓦解反方证人证词的证明力,或从反方证人口中获得有利证言。诉讼模式、质证规则、证人出庭率以及法律职业者的操作技能直接影响交叉询问质证功能的实现。为了充分发挥交叉询问的质证功能,应该进一步改革或完善目前的诉讼模式、庭审质证规则、证人出庭作证保障制度并提高法律职业者在交叉询问方面的业务素养。





Research on the evidential function of cross-examination. Liu Xiaobing. The Law School of China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing 100088

Abstract】Cross-examination, which is originated from common law system and is equipped in the trial procedure or the pretrial hearing, is a evidentiary procedure during which the party or its attorney will question the adverse witness.In China, cross-examination has been essentially stated in procedural laws and implemented in judicial process. The function of cross-examination is to decrease or undermine the credibility of the adverse witness, to decrease or destroy the probative value of the adverse testimony or to dig out the information favorable to the adverse party. In order to fully develop the function of cross-examination, it is necessary to deepen the reform of the current procedure structure,to further amend the current evidential rules, to improve the current witness protection system, and to improve the professionals’ practicing skills as well.

Key Words】 Evidential challenge, Cross-examination, Leading question


  1. 交叉询问质证功能论略.pdf (已下载次)