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(北京工商大学,北京 100048)
【摘 要】司法精神病辩护是刑事辩护制度中的一项重要内容。当前世界范围内存在两种精神病辩护证明模式:职权式精神病审查模式与对抗式精神病辩护模式。我国目前的精神病辩护证明模式属于职权式精神病审查模式,在实践中存在诸多问题值得反思。司法精神病鉴定因涉及精神病医学、心理学、法学等诸多领域的专门知识而呈现复杂性,而科学、合理的诉讼证明程序可以抵消司法精神病鉴定中的消极因素。我国职权式精神病审查模式应当吸收对抗式精神病辩护模式中的合理因素,在权力配置上逐渐限缩职权机关的权力,赋予当事人更多的权利;在证明责任上由辩护方承担推进责任,由控诉方承担说服责任;在证明标准上建立司法精神病鉴定启动与精神病辩护二元化的证明标准体系。
Reflection and improvement of proof mode of insanity defense. Wang Yinglong. Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing, 100048
【Abstract】Insanity defense plays a significant role in the system of criminal defense. There are two proof modes of insanity defense in today’s world: Inquisitorial Mode and Adversarial Mode. The current mode of insanity defense in China belongs to inquisitorial mode, while many questions in the course of practice are worth introspecting. Forensic psychiatric appraisal is very complicated as it involves various fields such as medical psychiatry, psychology, law and other special knowledge, whereas scientific and rational procedures of judicial proof could offset negative factors in the forensic psychiatric appraisal. The inquisitorial mode of insanity defense in China should absorb reasonable factors from the Adversarial Mode for improvements: with respect to power allocation, to narrow the power of government authorities and give the parties more rights; in terms of burden of proof, the defense party shall assume the responsibility to move while the accusing party bear the burden of persuasion; with respect to the standard of proof, to establish a dual-level standard of proof in order to initiate a forensic psychiatric appraisal and insanity defense.
【Key Words】 Insanity defense, Forensic psychiatric appraisal, Burden of proof, Standard of proof, Procedures