第1期 | 第2期 | 第3期 | 第4期 | 第5期 | 第6期 |
冀宗儒 钮 杨
(对外经济贸易大学法学院,北京 100029)
【摘 要】2012 年《民事诉讼法》的修改,使电子数据作为民事诉讼法中一种独立的证据方法的地位得以确立。但由于现有证据制度框架内缺少对实物证据真实性进行证明的方法和程序,使得在运用电子数据这一动态、海量以及严重依赖程序系统的证据方法时无法充分发挥其证明作用。要解决民事诉讼中运用电子数据力不从心的状况,必须针对电子数据的特性,确立证明其真实性的方法,并藉此解决电子数据的出示形式和程序,以使电子数据这一越来越广泛出现的证据方法在民事诉讼中能发挥其自身的独特作用。
【关键词】电子数据 ;民事诉讼 ;证据方法 ;证据鉴真
Evidence rules on electronic data in civil procedure. Ji Zongru Niu Yang. University of International Business and Economics Law School, Beijing 100029
【Abstract】As a new and independent evidence form, Electronic Data is added into the revised 2012 Rules of Civil Procedure. Electronic Data. However, electronic data can’t play the evidentiary role sufficiently. Because the existing evidentiary system lacks the method and procedure of authenticating electronic data, which is dynamic, massive,and heavily relied on programming..Therefore, we should find a method of proof, which is specifically designed to authenticate electronic data. This method would also find a resolution to the exhibition means and procedure of presenting electronic data. As the use of electronic data evidence gains more popularity, establishing electronic data authentication procedure will advance the unique important role the electronic data plays in civil procedure.
【Key Words】 Electronic data, Civil procedure, Evidence form, Authentication