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(中国人民大学法学院,北京 100872)
【摘 要】理论上看,物证鉴定意见合法性应具备资格要件、客体要件、程式要件、形式要件等四要件,刑事错案中四要件欠缺导致的物证鉴定不合法均有体现。虽然《刑事诉讼法》并未对物证鉴定意见的四要件作出法律层面的规定,但最高院刑事诉讼法司法解释的第84条“对鉴定意见应着重审查的内容”的规定集中反映了合法性四要件的内容。法律上看,《刑事诉讼法》并没有对非法物证鉴定意见的排除作出直接规定,而是通过司法解释中“不得作为定案根据”的方式加以规范;而且,物证鉴定意见不存在瑕疵事由,物证鉴定意见取得过程中任一环节的失灵都可能导致其失去真实性。要保障物证鉴定意见的合法性,可以采取对物证收集合法化进行立法补充、逐步建立物证保管链制度以及在鉴定启动权中增加对抗因素等措施。
Legitimacy of expert testimony on physical evidence—An Analysis In the View of Wrongful Convictions and Rule of Law. Xu Yuedi. Renmin University of China, 100872
【Abstract】Theoretically, the legitimacy of expert testimony on physical evidence requires the satisfaction of four elements of qualification, objectivity, procedure and formality. It has been seen in practice that lacking of anyone of the four elements might lead to wrongful convictions. Though these four elements have not been written in the Criminal Procedural Law, section 84 of the Judicial Interpretation of Criminal Procedural Law (JICPL) enacted by the Supreme People’s Court, -- “Examining Expert Testimony” -- has implied the four elements. Under the law,the exclusionary rule on illegally obtained expert testimony is not clarified in the Criminal Procedural Law. But the JICPL provides that illegally obtained expert testimony “should not be used as the basis of conviction”. Also, there is no provision relating to defectively obtained evidence. In fact, the physical evidence will not be trustworthy if any defect occurred during any steps of the procedure implemented to obtain expert testimony on physical evidence. In order to guarantee the legitimacy of expert testimony on physical evidence, several measures could be taken, for instance, suplementing provisions on the legitimacy of collecting physical evidence, establishing chain of custody system and adding adversarial feature to the motion to expert examination.
【Key Words】 Expert testimony, Legitimacy of evidence, Wrongful convictions, Exclusion of illegally obtained evidence