辩证据真伪 铸法治基石


2016年第24卷第4期 双月刊


2016年第24卷第4期 双月刊
第1期 第2期 第3期 第4期 第5期 第6期




(西南政法大学刑事侦查学院,重庆 401120)

【摘 要】司法鉴定的委托与受理决定着司法鉴定的程序公正与司法鉴定意见的可靠性。因此,在2007年《司法鉴定程序通则》运行近十年之后,司法部对其进行了修订,出台了新的《司法鉴定程序通则》,其目的之一就是合理规范司法鉴定的委托与受理。从话语规范层面而言,新《通则》在立法上有所进步。然而,司法鉴定实践中的真正问题,如委托人特别是法院在鉴定材料合法性、真实性方面的责任,司法鉴定机构受理案件时的困境与违规操作,以及当事人在鉴定委托与受理过程中的不正当干预,都会因为新《通则》自身的局限而难以改变。司法鉴定的委托与受理不仅涉及司法鉴定机构及其鉴定人,而且牵涉到委托人、当事人以及司法行政机关自身。因此,司法鉴定程序(包括司法鉴定委托受理)的法律规制,也许就应打破部门边界,实行国家层面的立法,才能明确合理地规范各主体的权力或权利及其责任。





The dilemma and reform of entrustment and undertaking of judicial forensic appraisal – based on analysis of the General Rules of Forensic Appraisal Procedures and forensic practice. Chen Ruchao. Criminal Investigation Law School, Southwest University of Political Science and Law, chongqing 401120

Abstract】The entrustment and undertaking of judicial forensic appraisal determine fairness of the its procedure and reliability of forensic appraisal opinions. The P.R.C. Department of Justice promulgated the new General Rules of Forensic Appraisal Procedures in 2015 with the purpose to reasonably control and regulate the entrustment and undertaking of forensic appraisals after nearly 10 years implementation of the 2007 old version. However, certain practical problems still can hardly be fixed under the new Rules, such as the responsibility of the client, especially the court, regarding the authenticity and legitimacy of the materials for appraisal, the dilemma and violations with respect to the undertaking of forensic appraisals, and the parties’interventions in the process of entrustment and undertaking of forensic appraisals. The entrustment and undertaking of forensic appraisals involve not only the forensic appraisal organizations and their appraisal experts, but also the clients, parties and judicial administrative organ itself. Therefore, in order to define the power, rights and responsibilities of various parties involved, legislation of forensic appraisal procedures (including entrustment and undertaking) at the national level is needed in order to break the boundaries between and among administrative departments.

Key Words】Judicial forensic appraisal, Entrustment, Undertaking, General rules of forensic appraisal procedures


  1. 司法鉴定委托受理的困境与改革.pdf (已下载次)