第1期 | 第2期 | 第3期 | 第4期 | 第5期 | 第6期 |
袁 丽
(中国政法大学证据科学研究院,北京 100088)
【摘 要】标准化体系可以提高法医物证鉴定的质量,提高鉴定的公信力。法医物证鉴定标准化是开展鉴定业务、推广 DNA 新技术和我国法律的要求。标准化体系的建设和完善需要集思广益、群策群力,需要加强部门及地区之间合作交流,做好研制、培训和执行标准化文件的工作。标准化不能代替法庭审查,鉴定意见书仍需要法庭质证。
Standardization research on forensic biological evidence identification in China. Yuan Li. Associate professor of the Key Laboratory for Evidence Science, CUPL 100088.
【Abstract】Standardized system enhances the quality and credibility of forensic evidence identification.Standardization of forensic evidence identification is the request of carrying out identification business, spreading DNA new technology and the law. The construction and perfection of standardized system needs the wisdom of the mass as well as cooperation and exchanges among departments and districts. It also requires work on developing, training and executing standardizing files. Standardization does not replace the court examination.Expertise report still needs the cross-examination.
【Key Words】 Forensic biological evidence, Judicial expertise, Standardization, Scientific