辩证据真伪 铸法治基石


2016年第24卷第2期 双月刊


2016年第24卷第2期 双月刊
第1期 第2期 第3期 第4期 第5期 第6期


[美]肖恩·博因   张爱艳 肖燕

【摘 要】在美国,使用电子证据已经成为法庭上非常普遍的现象。陪审团审案时,试图使用电子证据的检察官要想使得初审法官采纳该电子证据必须克服一些阻碍。一些证据标准被设计来限制陪审团的事实发现过程。检察官可要求法院启动庭前审理程序来决定电子证据是否可以被采纳。建立一个电子证据保管链和专门处理电子证据的既定机构程序是检方工作的关键环节,这样能确保法庭调查中获得陪 团的信任。挑选能认同电子证据重要性的人员担任陪审团成员非常重要 , 同时还要避免选择那些想要根据自己专业知识来主导陪审团决议的人员。

【关键词】电子证据 ;证据标准 ;证据保管链 ;陪审员选择




Evidentiary issues and digital evidence. Shawn Boyne1. Translated by Zhang Aiyan2, Xiao Yan2. 1.Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law, 2. Shandong University of Political Science and Law

Abstract】The use of digital evidence has become commonplace in U.S. courts. Prosecutors who seek to use digital evidence in the courtroom in a jury trial must overcome several hurdles before an American trial judge is likely to permit the prosecutor to admit the digital evidence into evidence. Evidence admission standards are designed to limit jury’s fact-finding process. Prosecutors may move for a pre-trial ruling on the admission of a particular exhibit. In cases involving digital evidence, establishing the chain of custody as well as an agency’s established procedures for handling electronic evidence are critical steps that a prosecutor must take to secure the jury’s confidence in the investigation procedures. It is important to select members of the community who can competently appreciate the significance of digital evidence and avoid selecting an individual for the jury who will be tempted to dominate the deliberations on the basis of their own claimed technical expertise.

Key Words】Digital evidence, Evidence admission standards, Evidence chain of custody, Jury selection


  1. 电子证据的相关问题.pdf (已下载次)