辩证据真伪 铸法治基石


2016年第24卷第2期 双月刊


2016年第24卷第2期 双月刊
第1期 第2期 第3期 第4期 第5期 第6期




(西南财经大学法学院,四川成都 611130)

【摘 要】量刑因果关系是刑法因果关系中的一个重要方面。在刑事法治中,量刑应当同定罪一样受到同等的重视。本文从量刑因果关系的刑事整体性研究入手,从刑法和刑诉法的角度对其进行审视与判断。在微观正义论和司法复杂性的原理和要求下,量刑因果关系的证明要素被分为说明性的证明要素和假设性的证明要素。这两种证明要素在具体的证明路径和过程要求中存在差别。量刑因果关系的证明主体存在多样化特征。量刑因果关系的证明责任在证明标准的特殊背景下,更加注重检察官与被告人的不同角色要求。

【关键词】刑事法治 ;量刑 ;因果关系 ;司法证明




On the judicial proof of sentencing causality: from the perspective of criminal law and its processes. Yang Jiwen. Law School in Southwest University of Finance and Economics; Chengdu 611130

Abstract】Sentencing causation in criminal law is an important aspect. In criminal law, the sentence would be equally important as being convicted. From the study of sentencing causality, it is judged from the perspective of the criminal law and criminal procedure law. And under the demands of microscopic theory of justice and the complexity of justice, the certificate elements of sentencing causal relationship are divided into declarative elements and hypothetical proof elements. There is a difference in the concrete path and in the process. The subject of sentencing causal relationship has some diversification characteristics. The burden of proof of sentencing causal relationship under the special background of the proof standard has paid more attention to the requirements of different roles of the prosecutor and the defendant.

Key Words】Criminal law and its processes, Sentencing, Causality, Judicial proof


  1. 论量刑因果关系的司法证明.pdf (已下载次)