辩证据真伪 铸法治基石


2016年第24卷第2期 双月刊


2016年第24卷第2期 双月刊
第1期 第2期 第3期 第4期 第5期 第6期


(西南政法大学法学院,重庆 401120)

【摘 要】法外证据与超法证据,是刑事诉讼实践中存在的两类特殊现象。这两种现象造成了刑事诉讼中证据合法性审查的操作困难,也引发了制度正当性危机。理解和应对法外证据与超法证据,需要对现有刑事证据合法性理论加以重构。基于检察环节证据合法性审查的特殊性,检察机关应对法外证据、超法证据要有所为、有所不为。对于法外证据,要全面审查其合法性风险。对超法证据,检察机关一方面要发挥对公安机关侦查取证的准司法审查作用,另一方面自身要恪守客观义务并接受审判机关司法审查,同时在制定司法解释时要遵守法律、尊重最高法解释,避免曲意释法。





Evidence beyond the law, evidence surpassing the law and evidence legality review by the prosecutor. Wan Xu, Law School, Southwest University of Political science and Law, Chongqing, 401120.

Abstract】Evidence beyond the law and evidence surpassing the law are two special categories of evidence in criminal trials. The existence of the two types of evidence drags into a dilemma the evidence legality review,and also raises the legitimacy crisis of the criminal procedure system. In order to comprehend and deal with such evidence, we need to reconstitute the theory of criminal evidence legality. Considering the characteristics of the evidence legality reivew during the procuratorial tache, the procuratorate, when proceeds to review such evidence,should not preclude such evidence without any exceptions. The procuratorate should perform a comprehensive review of the legality risk of the evidence beyond the law. As for the evidence surpassing the law, the procuratorate should on the one hand exert the function of quasi-judicial review to the public security organ’s evidenceinvestigating behavior, and on the other hand observe the objective obligation and accept the judicial review operated by the judicial organ. The procuratorate should also be subject to the law and the Supreme Court’s interpretations when issuing interpretations of law itself. The procuratorate should avoid issuing malicious interpretations of law.

Key Words】The Evidence Beyond the Law, The evidence surpassing the law, The procuratorial tache, The evidence legality review


  1. 法外证据、超法证据与检察环节证据合法性审查.pdf (已下载次)