辩证据真伪 铸法治基石


2016年第24卷第2期 双月刊


2016年第24卷第2期 双月刊
第1期 第2期 第3期 第4期 第5期 第6期

“9·11 事件”后美国反恐证据规则变迁及其对中国的启示


(中国政法大学,北京 100088)

【摘 要】9·11事件至今的十几年内,通过判例法的不断完善,美国的司法实践中对恐怖主义犯罪案件中的证据规则已逐渐形成了一套不同于联邦证据法的体系。涉恐案件中的证明标准也与普通犯罪案件中的相偏离。美国的相关经验对中国未来反恐案件中的证明标准和证据规则的设置具有一定的启发意义。





Post “911” changes in rules of anti-terrorism evidence and reflections to China. Pan Xinrui. China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing, 100088

Abstract】In the last few years after “911”, along with the development of the case law, a systematical set of evidence rules applied in the terrorism crime cases, which is distinguished form the federal evidence rule, has been formed gradually in the U.S. The standard of proof applied in terrorism crime cases also deviates from that in ordinary crime cases. Such relative experience of the U.S. can provide certain inspirations for China’s future establishment of evidence rules and the standard of proof which are applied in terrorism crime cases.

Key Words】Evidence rules, Standard of proof, Terrorism crime, United states


  1. “9·11事件”后美国反恐证据规则变迁及其对中国的启示.pdf (已下载次)