第1期 | 第2期 | 第3期 | 第4期 | 第5期 | 第6期 |
郑 曦
(北京外国语大学法学院,北京 100089)
【摘 要】证据规则经过排列组合可以形成完整的体系。根据其基本作用与实施目标,证据规则体系可分解为关联性规则、辅助性规则和外部政策规则三大类。其中辅助性规则又可细分为优先性规则、分析性规则、预防性规则、简化性规则和定量性规则。我国目前已有一些证据规则的规定,但尚不足以形成完整的体系,影响了我国司法制度的进一步改革和完善。不妨参考借鉴普通法的经验,补自身之不足,以实现证据规则体系整体构建的完成和各个证据规则之间的协调施行。
【关键词】证据规则体系 ;关联性规则 ;辅助性规则 ;外部政策规则
The system of evidence rules and its establishment in China. Zheng Xi. Law School, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, 100089
【Abstract】Different evidence rules can be included into a system after being permuted. According to their basic roles and implementation of goals, the rules can be divided into relevancy, auxiliary and extrinsic policy rules. Furthermore, the auxiliary rules can be divided into preferential, analytic, prophylactic, simplificative and quantitative rules. Currently there are some evidence rules in China. However, they have not formed a completed system, which effects the reform and improvement of our judicial system. We can learn from the common law countries to achieve the completion of the system of evidence rules, and to coordinate the exercise of the individual rules.
【Key Words】System of evidence rules, Relevancy rules, Auxiliary rules, Extrinsic policy rules