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邵 劭
(杭州师范大学沈钧儒法学院,浙江杭州 311121)
【摘 要】虽然从我国刑事证明标准的文本表述来看,排除合理怀疑仅仅是“证据确实、充分”的要件之一,但从排除合理怀疑的内涵和证明责任的卸除来看,“证据确实、充分”是达到排除合理怀疑心证的必备基础。我国刑事证明标准已经实现了从“证据确实、充分”到排除合理怀疑的悄然转化。排除合理怀疑的确立亦是对结论唯一的终结。排除合理怀疑标准并非能够无差别地适用于所有的案件,实物证据的合法性、罪与非罪存疑之外的其他疑罪情形在证明标准的适用上有一定的特殊性。为促进排除合理怀疑的统一、正确适用,应当加强案例指导制度、公诉引导侦查制度,并理性对待印证规则。
【关键词】证明标准 ;排除合理怀疑 ;证据确实充分 ;司法适用
The transformation of the criminal proof standard and its application. Shao Shao. Junru Shen Law School of Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou, 311121.
【Abstract】According to the legal text, in the realm of the criminal proof standard, beyond the reasonable doubt is just one of the elements of the standard of “accuracy and sufficiency”. However, based on the connotation of the beyond the reasonable doubt standard and the exemption of the burden of proof, the “accuracy and sufficiency”standard is the necessary foundation for the fact-finder to make the fact finding beyond the reasonable doubt. The criminal proof standard in China has quietly achieved the transformation from the “accuracy and sufficiency” standard to the beyond the reasonable doubt standard. The establishment of the beyond the reasonable doubt standard has terminated the standard of achieving the exclusive conclusion. Beyond the reasonable doubt standard can not be applied to all cases with no varieties. The proof standard should be treated differently in the cases where there is need to review the legality of the physical evidence, and where there is doubt in guilty that is caused by the reasons other than the pending decision of guilty or not guilty. In order to promote the unified and correct application of the beyond the reasonable doubt standard, the case-guidance system and the procuratorate-guiding-investigation system should be strengthened, and the rule of corroboration should be treated rationally.
【Key Words】Proof standard, Beyond the reasonable doubt, The “accuracy and sufficiency” standard,Judicial application