第1期 | 第2期 | 第3期 | 第4期 | 第5期 | 第6期 |
(福建警察学院,福建 福州 350007)
【摘 要】在实践中目击证人的描述是警方收集犯罪信息的重要途径,也是判断其辨认结果是否可靠的重要根据。然而本模拟研究表明,目击证人描述的信息通常比较模糊,缺乏个体识别所必须的充分细节,而且描述的完整性、准确性与辨认结果的准确性之间并不存在统计学意义上的显著相关性。
What can be learned from eyewitness descriptions—analysis based on a simulation experiment. Chen Xiaoyun. Fujian Police College, Fuzhou, Fujian 350007
【Abstract】In practice, descriptions from witnesses are important sources as the police collect crime information, and also important foundations as to determine whether the eyewitness identifications are reliable or not. However, this simulation study shows that witness descriptions are always vague, and lack of sufficient details that are required by the action of identifying a suspect. Moreover, there is no significant correlation between the witness descriptions’ completeness and accuracy of the identification’s result.
【Key Words】Witness description, Completeness, Accuracy, Identification, Eyewitness testimony