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(甘肃政法学院,甘肃兰州 730070)
【摘 要】随着精神病学的进步与繁荣,精神病鉴定成为连接精神病学与刑事司法的重要纽带,刑事司法的精神病学化特质开始显现。然而,精神病鉴定的悖论是司法正义面临危机与构建绝对他者的危险。域外纾解悖论的路径有 :设定较为合理的鉴定内容,采用科学的鉴定标准,明确启动鉴定的规制程序,设置较为科学的鉴定意见审查机制及建立重大案件鉴定后的处置风险预警制度等。考察我国的精神病鉴定制度,可以发现,鉴定范围显得逼仄,鉴定标准不明确、不统一,鉴定程序的启动设计不合理,鉴定意见审查机制不健全,重大案件鉴定过程及其后续处理受制于案外因素的影响等。通过参考域外制度的某些合理因素,可完善我国的精神病鉴定制度。
【关键词】精神病鉴定 ;司法精神病学化 ;悖论 ;破解
Paradox and solution of psychiatric appraisal. He Xiaojun, associate professor of Gansu Political and Law Institute.
【Abstract】With the progress and prosperity of psychiatry, psychiatric appraisal has become an important link between psychiatry and criminal justice. Criminal justice is starting to appear with some psychiatric features.However, the paradox of psychiatric appraisal is facing a crisis of judicial justice and the danger posed to others.The path of resolving paradox in a foreign country: setting up reasonable appraisal content, adopting scientific appraisal standard, pinpointing a check and balance program on initiating psychiatric appraisal, establishing a scientific review mechanism of expert opinion and a risk pre alarm system of major cases after psychiatric appraisal, etc. There is certain problem in the psychiatric appraisal system in China: narrow scope and ambiguity, inconsistent standard of psychiatric appraisal, unreasonable process of initiating a psychiatric appraisal,incompleteness of the review mechanism of expert opinion, and the influence of external factors over the appraisal process of major cases and subsequent handling, etc. Reasonable factors in other countries’ psychiatry appraisal systems provide references for further improvement of our own system.
【Key Words】 Psychiatric appraisal, Forensic psychiatry, Paradox, Relief of paradox