辩证据真伪 铸法治基石


2016年第24卷第1期 双月刊


2016年第24卷第1期 双月刊
第1期 第2期 第3期 第4期 第5期 第6期




(中国政法大学刑事司法学院,北京 100088)

【摘 要】质证权起源于英国,是一些法治发达国家刑事被告人的一项基本权利。刑事被告人质证权的基本内容包括直接原则、言词原则、面对面规则、交叉询问规则。我国刑事被告人质证权当前存在的问题主要包括刑事被告人质证权在法律规定上的矛盾、质证规则和程序可操作性不强、控辩审三方的庭审质证能力不足、普通证人和侦查人员出庭作证比率不高。完善我国刑事被告人质证权制度,需要重视质证权的地位和意义、完善质证程序与规则、提高控辩审三方质证的能力、确保证人出庭以及谨慎与合理使用未出庭的证人证言。

【关键词】质证权 ;权利 ;规则 ;出庭作证




Rights and rules: the perspective and the perfection of the confrontation right of the criminal defendants in China—based on data samples of "China justice index" of the nine provinces in China. Liu Wenhua.Law School of Criminal Justice, China University of Political Science and Law, Haidian District Beijing 100088,China

Abstract】The confrontation right of criminal defendants, originated in UK, is a basic right for criminal defendants in certain developed countries. The confrontation right of criminal defendants mainly contains the principles of immediacy and orality, the rule of face to face, and the rule of cross-examination. The current problems lying in the confrontation right of criminal defendants in China include the contradiction in legal provisions of the confrontation right of criminal defendants, the weak operability of the rules and the procedure of the cross-examination, the prosecution, the trial and the defense’s insufficient ability of cross-examination,and the low ratio of ordinary witnesses and investigators to testify in court. The perfection of the system of the confrontation right of criminal defendants in China needs highlighting the status and the significance of the confrontation right of criminal defendants, perfecting the cross-examination procedure and rules, improving the ability of the cross-examination of the prosecution, the trial and the defense, ensuring witnesses to appear in court and the cautious and rational use of the testimony of the witnesses who are absent from the court.

Key Words】Confrontation right of criminals, Rights, Rules, Testifying in court


  1. 权利与规则:我国刑事被告人质证权的透视与完善.pdf (已下载次)