辩证据真伪 铸法治基石


2016年第24卷第1期 双月刊


2016年第24卷第1期 双月刊
第1期 第2期 第3期 第4期 第5期 第6期



(中国政法大学证据科学研究院,北京 100088)

【摘 要】“司法文明指数”2015 年的调查报告,对“司法权力”和“当事人诉讼权利”两个一级指标及其内容进行了调整,通过相关调查数据可以展现司法权力运行和当事人诉讼权利保障的现状。由此数据我们可以发现,司法权力运行与当事人诉讼权利保障的现状既有进展,也有不足。数据对于了解实践现状有其积极意义,但是同时要客观看待其中的局限。司法权力运行与当事人诉讼权利保障之间的关系将是未来研究的重要课题。

【关键词】司法权力 ;当事人诉讼权利 ;司法文明指数




Empirical studies on the operation of judicial power and the protection of parties’ litigation rights. Chu Fumin. 1.Collaborative Innovation Center of Judicial Civilization; 2. Key Laboratory for Evidence Science (China University of Political Science and Law), Ministry of Education, Beijing, 100088

Abstract】In the report of China Justice Index 2015 (CJI 2015), there are some adjustments on the first-grade indexes of judicial power and parties’ litigation rights. There are some improvements and shortages of the status quo of the operation of judicial power and the protection of parties’ litigation rights from the survey data of CJI 2015. We should realize the positive meaning and the deficiency of the survey data. The relationship between the operation of judicial power and the protection of parties’ litigation rights will be one of the key issues in the future.

Key Words】Judicial power, Parties’ litigation rights, China justice index


  1. 司法权力运行与当事人诉讼权利保障实证研究.pdf (已下载次)