辩证据真伪 铸法治基石


2016年第24卷第1期 双月刊


2016年第24卷第1期 双月刊
第1期 第2期 第3期 第4期 第5期 第6期




(中国政法大学证据科学研究院,北京 100088)

【摘 要】司法腐败正成为中国时下社会各界所严密关注的焦点问题,极大影响了判决公信力及纠纷的有效解决。从根本而论,一国遏制司法腐败的强度及效果,直接反映了该国司法系统有序运行的可能及限度,是司法文明的重要风向标。因此,《中国司法文明指数报告(2015 年版)》将“司法腐败遏制”作为极为重要的一级指标予以评估,通过对20个省/自治区/直辖市的实证调查为分析样本,较为全面、系统地研判了中国司法腐败的现状,并主张通过强化权力制衡、增加司法透明、推动公民参与以及完善追责机制以有效遏制时下较为严重的腐败现象。

【关键词】司法腐败 ;实证调查 ;现状 ;遏制




Judicial corruption in China: current status and control — based on empirical studies of 20 provinces/autonomous regions/municipalities. Shi Pengpeng. Institute of Evidence Law and Forensic Science (China University of Political Science and Law)

Abstract】The judicial corruption becomes a hot issue in current Chinese society. It has significantly reduced public confidence in the judiciary. The strength and effect of the combat against judicial corruption is an important sign of a country’s judicial civilization. Hence, “fight against judicial corruption” has been taken as a first grade assessment indicator in the Report on China Justice Index 2015. Based on empirical studies of 20 provinces/autonomous regions/ municipalities, this paper comprehensively and systematically reveals current status of China’s judicial corruption. To strike against the judicial corruption, this paper suggests developing some countermeasures, such as, reinforcing the check and balance doctrine, intensifying judicial transparency,promoting civic participation and improving judicial accountability mechanism.

Key Words】Judicial corruption, Empirical investigation, Current status, Control


  1. 我国司法腐败的现状与遏制.pdf (已下载次)