辩证据真伪 铸法治基石


2016年第24卷第5期 双月刊


2016年第24卷第5期 双月刊
第1期 第2期 第3期 第4期 第5期 第6期




(北京大学法学院,北京 100871)

【摘 要】近年来,中国证据法学的研究取得了长足的发展。但随着讨论主题范围的日渐扩展以及程度的不断加深,证据法学研究中的许多问题越来越难以通过法学这一单一学科予以解决,急需与其他学科的学者进行对话,在这一背景之下,“事实与证据:哲学与法学的对话”国际研讨会在华东师范大学顺利召开。围绕“如何运用证据认定事实”这一问题,本次研讨会从“证据”和“事实”的基本含义及其相互关系、“司法认识论”、“事实认定的规则与方法”、“司法证明的标准”、“概率与证明”等五个方面进行了精彩的观点交换与交锋,在讨论中各位学者既达成了一些基本共识,也引出了许多有待深入研讨的话题。





Wandering between philosophy and law—An overview of international conference on “Facts and Evidence: A Dialogue Between Philosophy and Law” Liu Yifan. Peking University School of Law,100871

Abstract】In recent years, the research of Chinese evidence law has made great progress. However, the more the discussion in this field is widened and deepened, the more difficult it is to find answers to many problems encountered in evidence law research only by applying the legal principles and theories. A dialogue with other scholars from outside the law subject is needed urgently. In this context, the international conference on“Facts and Evidence: A Dialogue Between Philosophy and Law” was successfully held in East China Normal University. By targeting on “how to ascertain facts by evidence”, the scholars have engaged in heated discussions on following topics: the basic meaning of “evidence” and “facts” and its relationship; judicial epistemology; rules and method to ascertain facts; the standards of judicial proof; probability and proof. The conference has provided a wonderful opportunity for different thoughts and ideas to be collided and confronted. And in this conference scholars not only arrived at some basic consensus, but also brought up topics that need to be studied further.

Key Words】 Facts and evidence, Philosophy and law, International conference


  1. 徜徉于哲学与法学之间.pdf (已下载次)