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(西南政法大学,重庆 401120)
【摘 要】在民事证据立法中,不仅要明确赋予公文书证在证据法上的地位,更要对公文书证的证据效力进行明确,赋予其完全的证据能力和证据力,并根据公文书证的分类构建差异化的证据力规则。在推定公文书证均具有形式证据力的基础上,原则上推定其具有实质证据力,但是针对报道性公文书证,允许其通过提供相反证据予以推翻,处分性书证则不允许。最终通过对当事人对公文书证异议程序和相应救济手段的构建来规范和引领公文书证在司法实践中的科学合理适用。
The research on the probative value of the public documents in civil trials.Gao Xingge. Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Chongqing, China, 401120
【Abstract】Public documents should be given a clear evidentiary status in civil procedural law. Public documents should be admitted with absolute competency and probative value. The evidence rules on admissibility of public document should be established in accordance with the varieties of public documents. Generally, public documents that suffice the formality requirement are presumed to bear the substantive probative value. The probative value of declarative public document should be allowed to be negated if any disproving evidence is offered. But public documents that declare sanctions should never be overthrown. It is necessary to set up both the public documents objection hearing procedure and public documents remedy measures to promote the scientific and reasonable admission of public documents.
【Key Words】 Documentary evidence, Public documents, Probative value, Evidence competency, Evidence strength