辩证据真伪 铸法治基石


2019年第27卷第5期 双月刊


2019年第27卷第5期 双月刊
第1期 第2期 第3期 第4期 第5期 第6期


范飞1  吕途2  李刚3  陈虎4  刘剑楠5  刘媛媛6  吴畏1  卢亮2   杜菡3   张乔宇5   田雪梅2  邓振华1

1.四川大学华西基础医学与法医学院,四川成都 610041;2.公安部物证鉴定中心,北京100038;3. 北京大学口腔医学院·口腔医院医学影像科国家口腔疾病临床医学研究中心口腔数字化医疗技术和材料国家工程实验室口腔数字医学北京市重点实验室,北京 100081;4.四川大学计算机学院,四川成都 610041;5.上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院·口腔医学院口腔颌面-头颈肿瘤科,国家口腔疾病临床医学研究中心上海市口腔医学重点实验室,上海市口腔医学研究所,上海 200011;6.四川大学华西口腔医院放射科,四川成都 610041)

【摘 要】 个体识别是法医学主要任务之一,常用且可靠的方法包括:指纹、DNA 和牙齿。牙齿因其坚固、耐高温、不易分解,常作为特殊灾难事件的首选方法。国外不同组织和国家基于牙齿的牙位、生理性、病理性及医源性指标,建立了多种牙齿个体识别记录与判别指南。牙齿特征记录方式常包括牙齿示意图、牙齿特征记录表以及牙齿编码系统。目前牙齿个体识别系统的基本模式为:对牙齿特征进行编码,将牙齿代码详细记录于记录表中,应用计算机辅助系统进行初步个体识别,人工比对初筛结果,进而得出个体识别结论。牙齿个体识别需关注特征性独有指标和指标的时序性。不同指南间牙齿编码方法存在一定差异,影响个体识别交流与研究,因此在国际性的救援行动中需尽可能统一牙齿特征编码和记录方法。同时近年人工智能算法的提升在医学影像中的应用也为口腔影像的自动化个体识别带来了新契机。





The research and application of dental codes in human identification. Fan Fei1,Lu Tu2,Li Gang3,Chen Hu4,Liu Jiannan5,Liu Yuanyuan6,Wu Wei1,Lu Liang2,Du Han3,Zhang Qiaoyu5,Tian Xuemei2,Deng Zhenhua1,(1.West China School of Basic Medical Sciences & Forensic Medicine, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041,China; 2.Institute of Forensic Science, Ministry of Public Security,Beijing 100038, China; 3.Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology&National Clinical Research Center for Oral Diseases &National Engineering Laboratory for Digital and Material Technology of Stomatology&Beijing Key Laboratory of Digital Stomatology, Beijing 100081, China; 4.College of Computer Science, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610064, China; 5.Department of Oromaxillofacial Head andNeck Oncology, Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine; National ClinicalResearch Center for Oral Diseases, Shanghai Key Laboratory of Stomatology & Shanghai Research Institute of Stomatology, Shanghai 200011, China; 6.Department of Oral Radiology, West China College of Stomatology, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, China.)

Abstract】Human identification is one of the main tasks in forensic science. The most reliable means of identification are fingerprint, dental and DNA analysis. In special cases which cause damage of a body, dental analysis is the primary method for identification as teeth are the most robust tissues and highly individualized. Several victim identification guidelines have been established in different organizations and countries based on the physiological indicators, pathological indicators and treatment of teeth. Dental biometrics are usually recorded in form, including: dental schematic diagram, dental records and dental code system. However, differences in the dental code system among guidelines undermines exchange and research on individual identification. . Therefore,it is necessary to unify the dental code system. Meanwhile, the successful application of deep learning in medical imaging facilitates full-automatic dental identification.

Key Words】 Forensic odontology, Human identification, Dental codes, Orthopantomogram


  1. 牙齿编码系统在个体识别中的研究与应用.pdf (已下载次)