辩证据真伪 铸法治基石


2019年第27卷第5期 双月刊


2019年第27卷第5期 双月刊
第1期 第2期 第3期 第4期 第5期 第6期



(山东财经大学 济南 250014)

【摘 要】最高人民法院通过司法解释的形式确立了民事诉讼证明妨碍制度,这一制度确立的基础是民事诉讼法规定的诚实信用原则及其当事人诉讼权利平等原则。民事诉讼证明妨碍行为不仅损害对方当事人诉讼权利的行使,而且挑战法院的司法权威,以之为出发点的民事诉讼证明妨碍主体上不限于不负担举证证明责任的当事人,主观样态上不限于主观故意,在具体措施上应当采取多元化的措施。证明妨碍推定不应成为唯一的制裁或者救济措施。





Choice of solution on obstruction of proof and sanctions in civil litigations. Zhao Xinhui (Shandong University of Finance and Economics Jinan 250014)


Abstract】The Supreme People's Court of China establishedasystem ofpreventing obstruction of proof incivil proceedingsthrough judicial interpretation, the establishment of which whose is based on the principle of good faith and the principle of equity ofrights in litigation of the parties stipulated by the civil procedure law.Obstruction of proofin civil procedure not only Impedesexercise of litigation rights of the opposite party, but also challenges the judicial authority of the court.The subject of the spoliationof evidence in the civil procedureis not limited to the litigating party who does not bear the burden of proof.And itsform is not limited to the subjective intention.Its measures should be diversified.And the presumption in the obstructionof evidence should not be the only sanction or remedy.

Key Words】Obstruction of evidence, Civil litigation, Presumption in the obstructionof evidence,Diversified remedy



  1. 民事诉讼证明妨碍及制裁措施之选择.pdf (已下载次)