辩证据真伪 铸法治基石


2020年第28卷第1期 双月刊


2020年第28卷第1期 双月刊
第1期 第2期 第3期 第4期 第5期 第6期


[英]Mohammed A. Almazrouei [英]Itiel E. Dror [英]Ruth M. Morgan 王进喜 译

【摘 要】法律上的披露问题主要集中在检控方向辩护方提供或者隐瞒了哪些证据。在本文中,我们将披露的概念扩展到更广泛的情境下,在这种情境下,披露失误可能导致误判。我们引入了一个概念模型,即“法证信息披露”,它涉及哪些信息应该披露给法证检验人员,以及法证检验人员应当披露哪些信息。本文全面概述了四类利益相关者的动态交互:法证服务、调查、法律和外部利益相关者。我们通过五个问题讨论了法证信息披露模式的有效实施,即如果要向法证检验人员或者由法证检验人员提供最好的信息,以提高法证决策质素,并尽量减少偏差,则什么时候进行披露?披露什么?如何披露?向谁披露?为什么披露?





The forensic disclosure model: What should be disclosed to, and by forensic experts? Mohammed A. Almazroueia,b, Itiel E. Drora,b, Ruth M. Morgana. Translated by Wang Jinxi, China University of Political Science and Law,Beijing,100088.

Abstract】Legal disclosure issues have predominantly focused upon what evidence the prosecution provided or withheld from the defence. In this paper we expand the concept of disclosure to wider contexts in which disclosure failures may result in miscarriages of justice. We introduce a conceptual model of ‘forensic disclosure’ which addresses what information should be disclosed to forensic examiners, as well as what information should be disclosed by forensic examiners. This paper presents a holistic overview of the dynamic interactions of four categories of stakeholders: forensic services, investigation, legal, and external stakeholders. We discuss the effective implementation of the forensic disclosure model by addressing five questions: when? What? How? Who? and why? should information be best given to, and by, forensic examiners in order to increase the quality of forensic decision making and to minimise bias.

Key Words】Disclosure; Forensic disclosure; Cognitive bias; Decision-making; Forensic science; Irrelevant contextual information


  1. 法证披露模型:应当向法证专家披露什么和法证专家应当披露什么?.pdf (已下载次)