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(福建省南平市公安局物证鉴定中心,福建南平 353000)
【摘 要】司法鉴定对侦查的意义在于为案件现场的重构提供直接线索,对审判的意义则在于为犯罪嫌疑人或者被告人的罪与非罪提供直接证据。物证本位的证明方式把刑事司法鉴定的重要性推向了一个新的高度。然而,阅卷范围过小,让鉴定意见的审查质证始终浮于表面,庭审质证的虚化不仅助推了侦查机关的不规范取证,更为冤假错案埋下隐患。只有明确符合司法实际的阅卷范围,协调好侦查效率与程序正义,在坚持基本性的前提下,以多部委联合发布“规则”的形式,制定针对不同类型案件、不同鉴定对象的阅卷范围,方能让控辩双方在“平等武装”的基础上进行对抗,真正实现有效辩护。
The range of read records of criminal judicial appraisal. Wu Xuyao. Institute of Forensic Science, NanPing Public Security Bureau, NanPing 353000.
【Abstract】The meaning of judicial appraisal on investigation lies in the direct clues for reconstructing the scenes of some cases and the direct proofs for crime and non-crime of suspects and defendants. The way basing on physical evidences takes the importance of criminal judicial appraisal to a new level. However, a small range of read records always keeps the trial cross examination in the appraisal report over the surface. The inauthentic trial cross examination not only contributes to the non-standard evidence collection, but also causes some unjust, feigned, misjudged cases. In order to make the accuser and defense go against each other on an equal platform, and defense effectively, several rules should be obeyed. First, clarify the range of reading records to meet the practical law, and consider the investigation efficiency and procedural justice. Second, on the premise of sticking to the basis of read records, establish a standard by thorough discussion among different departments.With this standard, read records can be defined according to different kinds of cases and different subjects of judicial identification.
【Key Words】Judicial appraisal, Range of read records, Effective defense, Procedural justice