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(中国社会科学杂志社 , 北京 100026)
【摘 要】我国劳动争议的证明责任规范呈现碎片化、粗糙化倾向,实务中存在对劳动争议证明责任二元结构理解的混沌状态。司法实践呼唤劳动争议证明责任规范走向体系化、精细化,客观公正目标的实现需要主观证明责任的理性回归。文书提出命令和证明妨碍制度提供了平衡劳动者和用人单位主观证明责任的契机;立法规范应当立足待证事实,完善我国劳动争议案件的客观证明责任理论体系。关于劳动争议案件中工资待遇、管理行为和公司单方控制证据的特别事实要件,应由用人单位负担客观证明责任,其余要件事实的证明责任分配应符合法律要件分类说的一般立场。
Distribution principle of burdens of proof in labor dispute cases. Li Shumin, Social Sciences in China Press,Beijing, 100026.
【Abstract】The standard of burdens of proof in labor disputes in China tends to be fragmented and rough. In practice, there is a chaotic state of understanding about the dual structure of burdens of proof in labor disputes. Judicial practice calls for the rules of burdens of proof in labor disputes to be systematized and refined, while the realization of objectivity and fairness requires a rational return of the subjective burdens of proof. The system of order of writ and spoliation of evidence provides an opportunity to balance the subjective burdens of proof of employees and employers; the legislation should be based on the factum probandum and improve the theoretical system of objective burdens of proof in labor dispute cases in China. In labor dispute cases, the employers shall bear the burden of objective proof on the special factual elements of salary, management behavior and its unilateral control of evidence. The distribution of the burdens of proof of other elements should conform to the general position of the classification of legal elements theory.
【Key Words】Labor dispute; Burdens of proof; Ability to prove; Factum probandum