辩证据真伪 铸法治基石


2020年第28卷第2期 双月刊


2020年第28卷第2期 双月刊
第1期 第2期 第3期 第4期 第5期 第6期




(西南政法大学刑事侦查学院,重庆 401120)

【摘 要】2019 年最高人民法院颁布的《民事证据规定》,是在 2017 年民事诉讼法、2015 年最高人民法院关于民事诉讼法司法解释的基础上,结合司法实践经验,对民事司法鉴定制度进行了较大幅度的改进。由于法官依然主导、甚至控制司法鉴定进程,因此修订后的《民事证据规定》对法官涉及司法鉴定的权力与责任进行了制度改造,主要表现在强化了法官对鉴定程序的实质参与性以及对鉴定人的有效管理与监督。总体来看,在民事司法鉴定制度的历史改革脉络中,《民事证据规定》一定程度上矫正了民事司法过去一贯弱化法官权力与责任的制度改革路径。不过,《民事证据规定》对当事人权利与责任的强化,仍有可能变相弱化法官应当承担的职责;同时《民事证据规定》对鉴定人虚假鉴定、鉴定超期、撤销鉴定意见等诸方面简单、刚性且无救济的单向度制裁模式,极可能被鉴定人视为法院或法官基于自身立场的本位主义立法,并进而驱使鉴定人采取“责任规避型”的反制策略。





Judge's power and responsibility under the new provision of civil evidence: an observation from forensic identification and evaluation. Chen Ruchao. Criminal Investigation Law School, Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Chongqing 401120.

Abstract】The Provision of Civil Evidence enacted by the Supreme People's Court in 2019 is based on The Civil Procedure Law in 2017, Judicial Interpretation of The Civil Procedure Law formulated by the Supreme People's Court, combined with the judicial practice experience. A significant improvement about forensic identification and evaluation is that the Provision of Civil Evidence adjusts civil judge's power and responsibility. As civil judge still controls the forensic identification and evaluation process, the Provision of Civil Evidence strengthens the participation of the judge to forensic identification and evaluation and effective management and supervision to forensic evaluator. On the whole, the Provision of Civil Evidence partly corrects civil judicial reform orientation in weakening the power and responsibility of judge. However, to strengthen the rights and duties of the parties, the Provision of Civil Evidence may still weaken the judge responsibility; at the same time, forensic evaluator may be driven to take measures to evade responsibility and duty.

【Key Words】Provision of civil evidence; Civil judge; Forensic identification and evaluation


  1. 新《民事证据规定》对法官权责的制度改造.pdf (已下载次)