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(中国政法大学证据科学研究院,北京 100088)
【摘 要】针对传统的“神明裁判—法定证据—自由心证”三阶段理论具有偏重形式划分的局限性,陈光中教授提出了“神明裁判—口供裁判—证据裁判”新三阶段划分理论,以是否依赖口供为标志,在人治与法治的证据制度之间划出了一条清晰的界限。其法治意义:一是用口供裁判重新命名法定证据制度,凸显了其必然导致刑讯逼供之野蛮人治的本质特征;二是指明了我国证据制度建设必须以证据裁判取代口供裁判的未来发展方向。证据裁判原则在中国的全面贯彻,应当以保障不得强迫自证其罪的权利为重点,在继续发挥非法证据排除规则作用的同时,探索被告人口供转变为证人证言的中国沉默权实现之路,以斩断刑讯逼供的制度根源,建设更高水平的社会主义司法文明。
The rule of law significance of Chen Guangzhong’s new theory of the three-stage of judicial civilization. Zhang Baosheng. Institute of Evidence Law and Forensic Science, China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL), Beijing, 100088, China.
【Abstract】For the limitations of traditional three-stage theory that "adjudication by ordeal-the statutory proof doctrine-the evidence system of free evaluation" which is inclined to form division, Professor Chen Guangzhong made the new three-stage theory of "adjudication by ordeal-adjudication by confession-adjudication by evidence", marked by whether relying on confession or not, drawing a clear distinction between the rule by human and the rule of law. Its significance: first, it renames the statutory proof doctrine to adjudication by confession, and underlines its essential characteristics of brutal rule by human that would inevitably lead to torture; second, it indicates the future development direction of the evidence system construction in China, which must replace adjudication by confession with adjudication by evidence. The key point to fully implement the principles of evidentiary adjudication in China is to protect the right against self-incrimination, to explore a way to realize right of silence in China by transforming the confession of the accused into the witness testimony, while the exclusionary rules of illegally obtained evidence continue to function, so as to cut off the root of the system of extorting a confession by torture and to reach a higher level of development in socialistic judicial civilization.
【Key Words】Judicial civilization; The three-stage theory; The rule by human and the rule of law; The right against self-incrimination; Transforming the confession of the accused into the witness testimony