辩证据真伪 铸法治基石


2020年第28卷第2期 双月刊


2020年第28卷第2期 双月刊
第1期 第2期 第3期 第4期 第5期 第6期

证明方法自由原则在 CAS 兴奋剂仲裁中的适用及例外


(中国政法大学博士后流动站,北京 100088)

【摘 要】证明方法自由原则是指与反兴奋剂违规有关的事实可以通过包括自认在内的任何可靠手段所确认。证明方法自由原则是“法无禁止即自由原则”在 CAS 兴奋剂仲裁证明活动中的具体化,由于CAS 兴奋剂仲裁庭没有类似国内法中的强制性证据规则以遵循,因此当事人可以在不违背 CAS 所在国瑞士强行法的前提下自由使用任何证明方法。证明方法自由原则保障了当事人使用合理证据方法维护自身权益,但由于其基础理论是“法无禁止即自由原则”,因此规则对这一原则适用的束缚构成例外情况,而适用与例外构成了证明方法自由原则的面面观。而例外情况还存在需要进一步完善之处。当前我国兴奋剂纠纷仲裁制度正处于建设阶段,对证明方法自由原则的研究将有助于我国相关规则的制定,为全球反兴奋剂活动提供有益的成果。

【关键词】 CAS;兴奋剂仲裁;《世界反兴奋剂条例》;证明方法自由原则




The application and exception of the principle of free proof in CAS doping arbitrations. Luo Xiaoshuang. Postdoctoral Station of China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing 100088.

Abstract】The principle of free proof means that facts relating to anti-doping violations can be confirmed by any reliable means, including self-admission. The principle of free proof is the embodiment of the principle of “absence of legal prohibition means freedom” in CAS doping arbitrations. Since the CAS doping arbitral tribunal does not have mandatory evidential rules similar to those in domestic laws to comply with, the parties are free to use any proof methods without violating the mandatory law in Swiss where CAS is located. The principle of free proof guarantees the parties to use reasonable evidential methods to safeguard their rights and interests. However, because its underlying theory is the principle of “absence of legal prohibition means freedom”, the binding of the evidential rules to the application of this Principle constitutes an exception. The application and exceptions constitute the whole principle of free proof and these exceptions still need to be further improved and clarified. Currently, China's doping arbitration system is under construction, the study of the principle of free proof can be beneficial to related legislations in China, and to global anti-doping efforts.

Key Words】CAS; Doping arbitration; WADC; Principle of free proof


  1. 证明方法自由原则在CAS兴奋剂仲裁中的适用及例外.pdf (已下载次)