辩证据真伪 铸法治基石


2020年第28卷第2期 双月刊


2020年第28卷第2期 双月刊
第1期 第2期 第3期 第4期 第5期 第6期

“CSI 效应”对香港华人群体的科学证据感知评估

许钰婷 卢铁荣 著 李学博 李贵香 译

【摘 要】电视是向公众传递信息的强大媒介。最近,法庭科学和刑事司法相关题材内容在各种媒体激增,伴随着公众对法庭证据的期望提高,“CSI 效应”(犯罪现场调查影视剧效应)应运而生。本研究对CSI 效应的探讨有两个方面的贡献。第一,验证了在香港中国人群中是否存在 CSI 效应。第二 , 采用模拟陪审团模式,从实证角度出发全面考察 CSI 效应。研究发现,尽管涉及法庭科学证据的媒体报道数量确实在某种程度上影响了参与者对法庭证据的感知,但这种感知并不影响参与者对法律的判断。法庭科学题材影视剧的观众在控方仅出示法庭证据时不可能判定被告有罪,在仅出示证词时也不可能判定被告有罪。当提交法庭证据时,唯一判定被告有罪的重要预测因素是参与者对科学证据可靠性的评价。本研究的结果表明在香港不存在 CSI 效应。





Examination of the “CSI Effect” on perceptions of scientific and testimonial evidence in a Hong Kong Chinese sample. Cora Y. T. Hui1 and T. Wing Lo1. Translated by Li Xuebo2, Li Guixiang2. 1.City University of Hong Kong, China, 2.Shandong University of Political Science and Law.

【Abstract】Television is a powerful medium through which to convey information and messages to the public. The recent proliferation of forensic science and criminal justice information throughout all forms of media, coupled with raised expectations toward forensic evidence, has led some to suspect that a “CSI effect” (Crime Scene Investigation effect) is taking place. The present study contributes to the literature addressing the CSI effect in two ways. First, it examines whether the CSI effect exists in the Chinese population of Hong Kong. Second, using a mock-jury paradigm, it empirically examines a more integrative perspective of the CSI effect. It was found that, although the amount of media coverage involving forensic evidence does influence participants’ perception of legal evidence to some degree, such a perception does not affect participants’ legal decision making. Viewers of forensic dramas were not more likely to convict the defendant when forensic evidence was presented and not less likely to convict when only testimonial evidence was presented. The only significant predictor of the defendant’s culpability when scientific evidence was presented was participants’ ratings of the reliability of scientific evidence. Results from the present study lend no support to the existence of the CSI effect in Hong Kong.

【Key Words】juror decision making, legal psychology, scientific evidence, testimonial evidence, cultural differences

  1. “CSI效应”对香港华人群体的科学证据感知评估.pdf (已下载次)