辩证据真伪 铸法治基石


2019年第27卷第4期 双月刊


2019年第27卷第4期 双月刊
第1期 第2期 第3期 第4期 第5期 第6期



(西南政法大学法学院,重庆 401120)

  【摘 要】 在取证合法性证明程序中,举证责任被倒置,举证责任标准提高,但是被告方的举证能力不足,同步录音录像及看守所的佐证作用弱化,也缺乏独立前置的取证合法性程序,被告人陷入举证困境,出现“身体抗辩”的极端现象。“身体抗辩”具有客观性和偶发性、被告人抗辩手段的惨烈性和单一性、侦控机关程序应对方式多样性、辩护律师的抗辩作用较小,抗辩对裁判效果作用不大等特点。“身体抗辩”造成法庭陷入混乱,审判被中断延期,暴露司法弊端,引发审判公正和公信力危机。法庭消极对待“身体抗辩”受到司法理念、审判模式以及责任机制的影响。应该从更新刑事司法理念、调整刑事证明规则、完善刑事审判程序、加强取证程序监控以及优化司法责任机制等方面予以完善。





  Research on the accused's "physical defense". Yu Deshui. Law school Southwest University of Political Science & Law, Chongqing 401120, China

  【Abstract】In the process of proving the legitimacy of evidence collection, the burden of proof is reversed, and the standard of the burden of proof is increased. However, the defendant's ability to provide evidence is inadequate, the corroboration function of synchronized audio- and video-recording and of the detention center is weakened, and there is lack of independent prerequisite procedure for assessing the legitimacy of evidence obtainment. For all these reasons, the defendant would easily fall into the pitfall of producing evidence, while the extreme phenomenon of "physical defense" may occur. "Physical defense" has characteristics of objectivity and randomness, fierceness and unicity of the accused's defense method, diversity in responding procedure of the investigation and prosecutor agency, weakness of lawyer's defense and minimum effect on judgement result. "Physical defense" has caused the court to fall into chaos, and posted dangers of suspending or delaying the trial, exposing judicial malpractice and causing crisis against impartiality and credibility of trial. The problem of court’s passive treatment on "physical defense" has been due to influence of current-existing judicial concepts, trial models, and accountability mechanism, which should be solved through changing ideas of criminal justice, adjusting criminal evidence rules, improving criminal trial procedures, strengthening the monitoring of evidence collection, and optimizing judicial responsibility mechanisms.

  【Key Words】Physical defense, Exclusion of illegally obtained evidence, difficulties in initiation, Rules of pain, Governance

  1. 被告人的“身体抗辩”现象研究.pdf (已下载次)