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吴畏 陈晓刚 邓振华
【摘 要】 目的了解四川地区故意杀人案案件伤害流行病学及法医学特征。方法采用流行病学方法对在中国裁判文书网收集到的四川省 471 例故意杀人案(2012 年 ~2016 年)进行回顾性分析。结果加害者和受害者均是男性多于女性,且男女性别比例加害者(9.29:1)明显高于受害者(1.21:1)。加害者及受害者均是 18~44 岁人群最多。加害者以汉族、本地区、已婚、小学和初中文化、农民或无业人员为主。晚上、周末、夏季的案件数目最多。案发场所多在室内 (53.08%),以私人住宅最多。熟人 (73%) 作案居多,犯罪动机前三分别为琐事(口角)纠纷、家庭矛盾及感情纠纷。损伤类型以开放性损伤最多见 (66.43%),包括刺、切、砍创及挫裂创,最常累及的部位是头面部 (92.78%),其次是颈项部和上肢及肩部。损伤器官以颅脑最多见,其次为全身各处重要血管。排名前三的作案工具为锐器、钝器、绳索及其类似物,火器仅有 12(2.55%)例。最常见的作案工具为菜刀、水果刀、棍棒、砖石类及各类锤子,以菜刀居首位。根本死因多为机械性损伤,直接死因以急性失血性休克及颅脑损伤最多。本次研究中还包含了少量精神病人及吸毒人员作案,同时还对加害者犯罪后行为进行了分析。结论本地区故意杀人案在涉案人员特征、案发时间与场所、犯罪动机、损伤情况、作案工具、死亡原因等多方面有一定的特点,可供相关部门预防打击这类犯罪及制定相关政策时参考。
【关键词】 杀人;回顾性分析;损伤类型;犯罪动机;法医学鉴定
The epidemiological analysis on intentional homicidal cases in Sichuan province, China: a 5-year retrospective study. Wu Wei, Chen Xiaogang, Deng Zhenhua. West China School of Preclinical and Forensic Medicine, Sichuan University, Chengdu610041, China.
【Abstract】 Objective To understand the epidemiological and forensic characteristics of social medical injuries in intentional homicide cases in Sichuan. Methods The data of 471 intentional homicide cases in Sichuan from 2012 to 2016 have been collected and analyzed. Results The majority of the perpetrators and victims was male, aged 18-44 years old. The male-female ratio of perpetrator (9.29:1) was higher than of victim (1.21:1). Most of the perpetrators were Han ethnicity, local, married, primary or secondary school educational level, and living as farmer or even unemployed. The majority of the cases were conducted in Summer, on weekends and in evenings. The most frequent criminal scene was indoor (53.08%), especially in private residence. Most cases were happened amongst acquaintances (73%), including family members. The most often motivatioins are trivial (argument) disputes, family contradictions and emotional entanglement. Open injury (66.43%), including stab wound, chop wound, cut wound and bruised laceration, was the most common damaged type. The most commonly damaged parts of body are heads and faces (92.78%), followed by necks, upper limb and shoulders. The most commonly involved organ is brain, followed by the vital arteries and veins (VAV) throughout the whole body. The most often used weapons were sharp instrument, blunt instrument, rope and its analogues, whereas with only 12 (2.55%) firearms. The most frequent underlying cause of death was mechanical injury, and the commonly direct cause of death was acute hemorrhagic shock and craniocerebral injury. Conclusion Intentional homicide in this region has certain characteristics in terms of demographic characteristics, place and time of commitment, motivation, injury, crime tools, and cause of death, which could be valuable for authorities to prevent and combat such crimes and formulate relevant policies in the future.
【Key Words】 Homicide, Retrospective analysis, Damage type, Criminal motivation, Forensic identification