辩证据真伪 铸法治基石


2019年第27卷第1期 双月刊


2019年第27卷第1期 双月刊
第1期 第2期 第3期 第4期 第5期 第6期



(上海市人民检察院第二分院 上海 200070)


  【摘 要】 证据规则是证据法的核心内容,我国没有形成刑事证据规则的独立体系,现有的证据规则体现在立法及司法解释中,理论基础及现有规定都较为粗疏、简陋。刑事证据规则体系的构建,不仅是完善我国刑事证据制度的需要,也是遵循司法规律的必然要求,同时也是我国刑事诉讼构造以及司法办案的需要。不同于英美法系国家证据规则主要关注证据的可采性,我国刑事证据规则体系的构建还要从证据规则的诉讼功能角度出发,应当分为规范证据能力的证据规则为基础,以规范证明力的证据规则为重要内容,辅以规范证据运用的证据规则。





  Construction of criminal evidence rules system in China. Li Siyuan. Criminal Justice School, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing 100088, China.

  【Abstract】 Rules of evidence is the core of evidence law. No independent system of criminal evidence rules exists in China. Existing evidence rules spread in statutes and judicial interpretation. The fundamental theory of evidence law and existing rules are relatively simple and crude. The construction of criminal evidence rules system is in great need, not only because it would help to improve the criminal evidence system in China, but also it is required by the law of justice administration. Meanwhile, the legal system of criminal justice and the administration of criminal justice require criminal evidence rules play a role. The main content of Chinese criminal evidence rules should be different from that of common law countries, where the issue of admissibility is the major concern of the evidence rules. Taking into consideration of the role of evidence rules in advancing justice administration, efforts in the construction of criminal evidence rules system in China needs to be put in the areas, as follows, establishing rules of competence of evidence, rules of weight of evidence, and rules of presenting evidence in proving a case.

  【Key Words】 Evidence rules, System construction, Rules of competence of evidence, Rules of weight of evidence, Rules of presenting evidence

  1. 论我国刑事证据规则体系的构建.pdf (已下载次)